What is a Cancer Cluster?
A cancer cluster is the occurrence of a greater-than-expected number of cases of a specific cancer within a group of people, a geographic area or a period of time.
Some cancer clusters are random occurrences with unrelated exposes and happen by chance. Some cancer clusters are due to a common exposure and the cause needs to be identified and eliminated. Some factors may indicate that an alleged cluster is due to a common exposure. When evaluating cancer clusters, each cancer site is considered a separate disease.
Cancer Cluster Investigations
- Over the past few years, a steadily rising number of suspected clusters of many types of cancer have been reported by the public. The majority of subsequent investigations do not yield a common factor because most cancer clusters occur by chance and are otherwise unrelated.
- The purpose of investigating a cancer cluster is to evaluate the possibility of an environmental, occupational or other preventable exposure associated with an increase risk of cancer. Reports of cancer cluster concerns come from the general public, public health entities and physicians who notice an unusual number of cases of a specific cancer.
- Since 1997, NDSCR has been collecting data on newly diagnosed cancers on the state’s residents. Information collected includes demographic information, including age, race, sex, residence, cancer site, histologic type, stage at diagnosis and treatment. This information is very helpful in evaluating a cancer cluster concern.
- Additional patient information also may need to be collected for the investigation.
- The first step in investigating a cancer cluster concern is to gather and document information, including the number of cases, population and/or area involved, time period over which the cases incurred, and the suspected causes.