How are the cancer case reports sent and processed?
The information required by the Cancer Registry is abstracted from each patient’s medical record. Given the numerous forms and types of cancer, abstracting must be conducted by a well-trained staff. The major medical facilities in North Dakota that diagnose and/or treat cancer patients have certified tumor registrars abstracting the data. The NDSCR continuing education trainer provides training and technical support to reporting facilities.
The major medical facilities are required to submit their data monthly electronically via secure Internet encryption to a secure database. The other reporting sources submit paper reports, which are then abstracted at the central cancer registry office. Additionally, the state circuit rider travels to some reporting sources to collect the data.
Once the cancer report is received at the central cancer registry in Grand Forks, it runs through a series of computerized and manual operations before it can be used for data analysis. One of the primary strengths of a central cancer registry is the multiple sources reporting for diagnosed cases, and more than one report is received for most patients. All incoming reports are matched electronically against records on file for patients diagnosed since the beginning of the Cancer Registry. Nationally, about 14 to 16 percent of all cancers are second primaries (new cases occurring among those who already were diagnosed with a previous cancer). For some sites, the number of multiple primaries in an individual may be quite high. Cancer Registry staff must look at all tumor reports that match to reports already in the database to determine if the new report represents a new primary cancer or a cancer previously diagnosed.
Some of the data received are entirely in paper / text form and are coded by the Cancer Registry staff. For example, a cancer case report might read “upper outer quadrant left breast well differentiated ductal carcinoma, stage T2a N0 M0,” which is then assigned codes for anatomic site (upper outer quadrant of the breast), side of the body (left), cell type of cancer (ductal carcinoma), behavior (malignant), grade (well differentiated) and stage at diagnosis (two to five centimeters, no fixation to muscles, confined to the breast). Because of the complex nature of this coding, it cannot be entirely computerized. Hospitals with a cancer program approved by the code their data before transmission.
Other data elements (e.g., gender, race and ethnicity) are assigned codes when the data is entered into the computer and needs reviewing only if there is a discrepancy. In a process called geocoding, the address information is used to assign a census tract. A large percentage of addresses cannot be geocoded due to incomplete address information on the record, mailing addresses not identified by street name and newly added streets.
Cancer registration is a dynamic process with additions, corrections and deletions to the data being made daily. The Cancer Registry staff monitor the number of cases submitted by each hospital and the total number of cancer cases for a given diagnosis year. Facilities are required to submit cases within six months. The registry actively works to monitor the timeliness of reporting. When most of the data for a given year are received and processed, then death information processing begins.